Creativity Journal Explained

I do have a blog entry for this (Creativity Journal), but I thought explaining the basic concept on a separate page might end up being easier to find for anyone who drops in part way through my journey.

Noah Scalin's book "365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!" is a journal of ideas to spark creativity every day for a year.  I am going to give the 365 days a go. They may not be 365 consecutive days, but we'll see how we go. (My track record at maintaining any project is pretty dismal. I can't even take vitamins every day of the week.)

One of the suggestions that Noah makes is to choose a theme and/or medium. I'm a sewer/quilter, so fabric is an obvious medium. But then I wondered, is it too obvious? Should I stretch myself in some other way? The idea of working with words (I am an editor, after all) came to me. But I wondered if maybe that was bigger than I'd manage.

In the end (at the beginning, which is when I write this), I have decided to do both - fabric and words. Maybe some days I'll only do one or the other; maybe some days I'll do neither. Still - my creativity, my rules.

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